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Lyrics © by LiLA (Sylvia A. Fruhmann) 2013  

Mr. Monk in Love 

Dancing on cobble stones,
Shiny and wet from the rain
That sprays me.
I'm so in love,
Forgot to worry,
Just think of You.
I'm so in love that I
Don't care a thing about my silly spleens,
'Bout my fears, my
Hurdy gurdy haunting dreams.
One, two, three,
Is this me?
I feel no weight.
Six, nine, eight,
Couldn't care less.
Stepping on pavement slits,
So as if it makes no odds.
Skipping reflecting colors
Of the city light shows.
Dancing on cobble stones,
Shiny and wet from the rain
That sprays me.
I'm so in love,
Forgot to worry,
Just think of You.
I'm so in love that I
Don't care a thing about my silly spleens,
'Bout my fears, my
Hurdy gurdy haunting dreams.
Pair, unpair,
Wouldn't care,
Even or skew.
One, two, four,
We are more,
I know for sure.
I stroll on pavement joints,
So as if it made no odds,
And skip some city light reflections'
varying gloss.
Dancing on cobble stones,
Shiny and wet from the rain
That sprays me.
I'm so in love,
Forgot to worry,
Just think of You.
I'm so in love that I
Don't care a thing about my silly spleens,
'Bout my fears, my
Hurdy gurdy haunting dreams.
One, two, we're
Free to be
Two for a pair.
You are my
Symmetry -
What else to care?
I walk on pavement filth,
So as if it makes no odds,
And kick a littered can
Into the basket at once.
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