- Lyrics
© by LiLA (Sylvia A. Fruhmann) 2012
- Dream
- Recall
Your dreams.
- They
might grant You with answers,
- Guide
You along
- Through
the vagueness.
- Friend,
let us dance
- On
the planks of feeling,
- Barefoot
and real,
- Plain
and unfeigned.
- Doesn't
the fact
- That
we tilt every night,
- That
we soak that water in,
- That
we fall and lose control of our
- That
we leave the stage of acting,
- That
each night
- We
step behind that curtain,
- Refuge
behind the scenes
- Filling
us with water from our nature, our
- Doesn't
it show,
- Give
us a hint
- Who
we are?
- .
- <
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